Tel: 082 067 7803
Kinesiology is a holistic form of therapy that uses muscle testing and feedback to identify imbalances and stresses in the body. These imbalances and stressors block the body’s natural healing processes that can cause dysfunctions on different levels, whether it be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. Kinesiology uses various techniques to address these dysfunctions and imbalances to help you gain self-awareness and understanding of your own body, mind and soul and to help you move through life with a healthier mindset and sense of well-being.
Relieve pain and injury discomfort.
Boost sport performance
Relieve stress (physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual)
Relieve muscular and nervous disorders and tensions.
Releasing self-sabotaging ideas
Working through and releasing past traumas.
Help with goal setting and decision making.
Helping aid adrenal fatigue and burn out.
Detect allergies and nutritional deficiencies unique to you.
Helps children with learning difficulties, stress, and pressure, finding coping mechanisms, self-confidence and dealing with their emotions.
Helps soothe feelings of anxiousness and depression.
Works with the root cause of stressors and issues and much more.